Career & Identity: Part 3 God's Provision

So far in this series, we’ve mostly spoken about the Lord removing things in our life to show us our true identity in Him.

In Part 1 - Humble Pie, you read about how God removed the career I thought He had set out for me to finding my identity in Him instead of a title.

In Part 2- Finding Opportunity in the Gray Zone, we covered how you can approach seasons of life where you don’t have a clear title or job.

Now, I want to share with you how the Lord has given much to me during those seasons and how we can find hope in His covering over our lives.

“...The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21b)
Let’s go back to the first part of this verse; “the Lord gave…” He gave. He provides.

This whole school of thought - God opening and closing doors is a Christian cliché. It’s a pretty and easy thing to say to people when they’re struggling. It’s also a highly debated topic in Theological circles. No matter how you look at it; it boils down to this - God does give, and He also takes away. While He has given us free will; He is God. The God of the universe. His version of a nudge can look like a life crisis to us but to Him it’s just a nudge.

After choosing to leave a pretty cool (but HARD) job to become a freelancer; I felt totally blind, completely clueless. I was skeptical when a professional mentor suggested I could do it but for many reasons decided it was a risk worth taking. I left my last “9-5” job on a Friday and by Wednesday of that next week I had signed up to work with my first official client. Client after client followed suit - all by word of mouth to-boot. If that isn’t evidence of the Lord allowing and giving me work, what is?

God's favor continued to pour over my life while living abroad in Israel. I was unable to obtain a work visa and had therefore resigned myself to putting my freelance work totally on pause as my husband worked toward his Masters Degree. I thought it would be unlikely a stateside business would hire me from afar but through an incredible relationship with Teahouse Creatives - God, yet again, brought me client after client. The seven hour time zone difference never once affected my work, I traveled to 10 countries that year and was still able to work!

Two months into life as a mom, bouncing my colicky baby around, a close friend forwarded me an open application for bloggers at Military Moms Blog. They offered me a position.

Every time I started to slump down into my chair, wondering if my career was totally over, God would send me a new client or job. You just can’t make this stuff up. I simply cannot deny the fact that the Lord has provided. He has given me what my heart has needed at just the right time.

I would argue, it takes an open mind and heart to see these gifts from the Lord. If you’re not looking and not willing to accept them, then they clearly will not be enough for you. You have to be willing to accept His will may be different than yours. You have to be ready for what He has in store for you. This is a hard truth to swallow but by doing it you are one step closer to finding your identity in Christ.

Pastor Dave at Grace Bible (Killeen, TX) once asked us, “Are you working to gain an identity in your work or are you working to gain an identity in Christ?”

“To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 2:26)

Are you chasing after the wind? Following the motions? Seeking your own accolades or glorification? I challenge you to let God be God in your life and see where it takes you. I think you’ll be pleased you did.