Preparing your Heart for a Rough Season Ahead

Preparing your Heart for a Rough Season Ahead

I scanned the detailed list of my husbands upcoming work engagements and I began to feel the stress and anxiety pile on.

We have a baby one month and then he leaves for TDY the next, and another the following month, and again the following month. Multiple TDY’s occupying 4 back-to-back months.  All while I manage caring for a newborn and a toddler.

Can you feel the kind of fear that overwhelmed me?

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Dear Friend: Today You Took a Big Step

Dear Friend: Today You Took a Big Step

Dear Friend,

Today you took a big step. An extremely brave step.  You told me you were pregnant.  It was so obvious that you wanted to hide it and didn’t want to hide it all at the same time.  You so desperately wanted everything to be ok.

The truth is this is amazing news!  I’m so happy for you.  You have been given this gift of life.  Something you can cherish, literally, for the rest of your life.  Someone to love, to hold, to raise, and guide.  You are now raising the next little saint for Christ. What an honor!  Do not forsake the importance of the task God has placed in front of you. 

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